Can You Really Make Money Selling Scentsy?
Simply answer, yes you can! Can you predict how much money you will make? No you can't. The amount of money you can make is completely dependent on your commitment, effort and dedication to your business. Make no mistake, this is NOT a quick cash grab, this is a business like any other. Some consultants only work a couple hours a week, and some run their Scentsy business full time. People who Join just to receive discounts on personal purchases are going to receive a smaller monthly commissions then people who sell Scentsy full time and treat it as a career. Also, consultants can focus on different areas of their business. Some consultants focus on building a strong team by recruiting other consultants and training them, others focus solely on selling Scentsy products and some do both. Truth is, there really is no right or wrong way to run this business. That's the beauty of it, you work it as much as you like, as hard as you like and put in as many hours as you like. You are your own boss! Some consultants make A LOT selling Scentsy, and some make a couple hundred dollars per month. I can promise you that if you decide to join my team I will do my very best to help you become a successful consultant.